Friday, August 17, 2007

In U.S. Blu-ray Outsolds HD-DVD

According to the sources, Blu-ray high-definition movie discs outsold films on the rival HD-DVD format by 2-to-1 in the United States in the first half of 2007.Total sales of Blu-ray discs, using a Sony Corp-backed technology, totaled 1.6 million units from Jan. 1 through July 1, compared with 795,000 HD-DVD discs sold in that period.
HD-DVD was developed by Toshiba Corp and backed by Microsoft Corp and film studios such as Warner Bros.Both formats were launched in spring of 2006. An estimated 3.7 million high-definition discs have been sold, including 2.2 million in Blu-ray and 1.5 million in HD-DVD through the end of July, according to sources.
Also Blu-ray got a further boost in August from strong sales of the "300" title. Sources told that about 190,000 Blu-ray units of the film, versus 97,000 in HD-DVD since July 31.The industry-wide standards war is reminiscent of the VHS and Betamax battle.

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