Sunday, August 19, 2007

Skype is back on track

Skype almost fully recovered late Friday. Skype said the problem was related to a broken algorithm in its network that was preventing users from logging on. The sign-on problems have been resolved. Skype presence and chat may still take a few more hours to be fully operational.
The system, however, still shows signs of shakiness. When I logged on at 3PM, around 5.5 million users were logged on to the network; an hour later only 4.1 million were logged on (Skype usually has 5 million to 6 million users logged on at any one time, with peaks of 8 million to 9 million). As I write this, just more than 4 million users are logged on. Still, Skype is in far better shape than it was early Friday, when only about 2.5 million users could get onto the system.
News reports indicate that instant messaging and chat still are not fully operational. The user numbers will likely normalize over the weekend.

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